A quality brand needs a quality CGI
It is 2022 and across all business sectors, it is common knowledge that 3D visualisation is firmly entrenched as a well-used tool to make advertising any product easier and less expensive to manage. Not all CGI is good CGI though.
Not all CGI is good CGI
We have consistently seen, across many sectors, luxury, quality brands use poor quality 3D images for their websites and adverts, cutting corners and degrading their product offering with an inferior brand representation. Businesses that are not as big as multi-national corporations (who always have the advertising budget) but still offer luxury, top-quality products seem to overlook the importance of investment in 3D render services that reflect the essence and characteristics of their brand values. From furniture, kitchens, bedrooms, buildings, to taps, widgets or handles, it is obvious a lot of time and money has been given to research and development of all these products but many are then advertised with such poor-quality images it leaves us scratching our heads.
Art/illustration is a subjective thing and appreciation of a product rendering is dependent on the viewer but these images are meant to be lifelike representations of particular products, they are selling a dream or an aspiration to own that product and we feel the most accurate, attractive and engaging image would be the ideal target.
Why sell an expensive, high-quality product with a mediocre, second-rate image? Is it cost? Is it the opinion of the person signing off the finished marketing images? Either way, the brand suffers.

At Red and Gray, we think about these things a lot and approaching a project from a customer focused side lets us envisage what that customer would get from an advertising image. We are then able to enhance and enrich our images and reflect that customer aspiration into every 3D product visualisation we do.
We take special care in producing product CGI for every sector we work in that inspire consumers and makes the product as inviting and attractive as possible.
Our models are technically accurate in scale and complexity and our textures are scanned for complete colour reproductive accuracy. We create moods and atmosphere in our 3D visualisations that illicit the response and emotion that is required for quicker sales so the 3D images work in harmony with the rest of the “quality” selling messages rather than against them.
If you are a quality brand looking for a high-end visual team to create imagery that matches your product vision then we would love to hear from you. If you already have 3D visuals for your product pages and adverts but want to break into more social channels or build a wider audience with more powerful emotive product CGI then we would also like to hear from you.
Give us a call today. 20% off all quotes for the rest of 2022.