Cost comparision – CGI vs photography shoot
It is worth understanding the true cost of CGI when compared to photography shoots as many clients do not take into account the many hidden costs of organising and managing a product photographic session. Once a true comparison is made the benefits and cost savings you achieve through the use of CGI become all the more visible.
Let’s explore a traditional photo shoot and reveal any hidden costs:
Photography – Does the cost of the photographer include retouch costs? What happens if you need some colours tweaking? What happens if you feel the images have a colour cast?
Stylists – Have you factored set stylists into your comparison? Even if you have your own in-house stylist they still cost the business money.
Logistics – Transporting furniture, products, appliances etc to any remote location costs money. Even in-house studios need staff to move the products around. All of this time and money needs to be factored into your comparison.
Management – The whole shoot will need managing whether remote or in-house. The combined time of project directors, team leaders and other support personnel all contribute to the final cost so has this been factored in.
Post production – Raw photographs are never satisfactory for print straight from the camera. Does your photographer include these costs in his fee? You may need a third party company to get your photo’s looking the way they should.
Demolition – Your in-house set and even a remote location shoot will need dismantling, tidying up and clearing away after a photo shoot. Background services or staff time will need factoring in to any cost comparison.

Now, let’s compare that with a CGI production scenario.
All of the issues outlined above that incur hidden costs to any photography shoot do not apply to 3D imagery. There are no hidden costs. Not only that, all of the staff time and logistic nightmares you normally have to deal with are no longer applicable either so you end up with more time to devote to other tasks.
Photography – Included!
Stylists – Included!
Logistics – Included!
Management – Included!
Post production – Included!
Demolition – Included!
Traditional photography shoot always costs more than the photographer and the set build. With CGI production the cost is the cost! There are no hidden charges.